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Articles Published in: 2018


HUD Announces Settlement In Housing Discrimination Case

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has announced a settlement in a New Jersey housing discrimination case. According to the HUD official site, Tamaron Association, which represents a condominium development in Waldwick, New Jersey must pay $9,000 under an Initial Decision and Consent Order. The order addresses allegations that the association refused to sell a condo to a man with disabilities and his wife, “because the couple planned to have their adult, disabled daughter live with them” according to a HUD press release. Fair Housing Act laws forbid denying or limiting housing to those with disabilities, and it is a violation of federal law to refuse reasonable accommodation for those with disabilities. “No family whose members have disabilities should be denied the reasonable accommodations they need to make | more...

FHA One-Time Close Construction Mortgage Basics

Higher FHA Loan Limits For One-Time Close Construction Loans In 2019

The FHA and HUD have announced higher FHA loan limits in most counties for 2019. A small handful (under 200) counties in the entire country will not see higher loan limits, but the rest of the nation will see a higher FHA loan guaranty limit for single family, owner-occupied homes with between one and four units. What does this mean for borrowers interested in an FHA One-Time Close Construction loan in 2019? If you need a home built for you from the ground up instead of buying an existing construction home, the FHA One-One Time Close program is for you. FHA One-Time Close Mortgages Are Different Than Other FHA Mortgages Lender requirements for FHA One-Time Close loans can be more strict than for existing construction loans. Higher FICO scores may | more...

FHA Home Loan

FHA and HUD Announce Higher FHA Loan Limits For 2019

The FHA and HUD have announced higher FHA home loan limits for 2019. The higher loan limits come in part thanks to “robust increases in median housing prices” according to the FHA/HUD official site. Nationwide, the limit for “average” housing markets is set in 2019 at $314,827, an increase from 2018’s limit of $294,515. The FHA is required by the National Housing Act (and amendments to that act passed in 2008) to establish FHA forward loan limits “at 115 percent of median house prices”, which include both a “floor” and a “ceiling” on those yearly limits.  No FHA loan limits have gone down for 2019. For 2019, most areas of the country will see an increase. The FHA/HUD press release states maximum loan limits for FHA forward mortgages will rise | more...

Home loans

What You Need To Know About FHA Loan Limits For 2019

FHA loan limits for 2019 will be higher than for 2018. We will cover the specifics of this news in another blog post, but there are some basics first-time home buyers should know about FHA loan limits that will help save time in the loan preparation process. FHA Home Loan Limits For 2019 Are Higher For Every Type Of Property Available To Buy With An FHA Mortgage Single family homes can be many things; condo units, duplexes, multi-unit properties, mobile homes, etc. No matter what property type you wish to purchase with an FHA mortgage loan, the FHA loan limits for 2019 have increased. One of the most important factors in determining your FHA loan limit in the new year is your location, rather than whether you want to buy | more...

Buying A Home with an FHA Loan

Late Payments Can Hurt Your Home Loan Chances

When you apply for any kind of credit including an FHA home loan, the lender will check your payment history to see what kind of patterns are evident. Are you a responsible borrower? The lender wants to see indications that you are one. A Full Year Of On-Time Payments In general it’s recommended that house hunters come to the FHA loan process with 12 months of on-time payments on all financial obligations. A late or missed payment can require the lender to find reasons to justify the home loan, including making a determination that late or missed payments are not likely to happen be an ongoing problem. Borrowers sometimes make certain assumptions about their credit history that simply are not true. Some believe that if they do not report certain | more...

FHA home loans

FHA Mortgage Or Conventional Loan? Which Is Best For You?

What is the advantage of the FHA mortgage loan over conventional mortgages? There are many areas to be aware of when choosing the right mortgage loan to buy your new home with, but your financial priorities will determine a great deal. If you are looking at buying a new home or refinancing your existing mortgage, FHA and conventional loans have features you should compare. Especially if you need to save money up front on the mortgage. Conventional home loans,  which you may also hear referred to as agency loans, are mortgages you will get via Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. Fannie and Freddie are the government-sponsored enterprises that your lender relies on to provide liquidity and stability to the lending market. Why don’t FHA borrowers choose these loans instead? Higher | more...

Home Buying, FHA Loans, And Mortgage Trends

Questions To Ask About Buying A Home With An FHA Mortgage

Thinking of buying a home with a mortgage loan? FHA mortgages have options you should think seriously about-and not just for the purposes of buying the home and moving in. What Options Do I Have To Make A Lower Down Payment On My FHA Loan? This question is best answered depending on why it’s asked; are you in need of lower out-of-pocket expenses for your mortgage or do you need to know what FICO scores will let you qualify for a lower down payment? Down payment assistance programs may be available from third-party agencies in your housing market. As long as these down payment programs meet FHA standards and state law, an FHA borrower may apply for them. The FHA itself does not offer down payment assistance. Borrowers may also | more...

FHA loans

Making An Offer To The Seller To Buy A Home With An FHA Mortgage

When you have found the home you want to buy with an FHA mortgage, there comes a point where you will have to do the (uncomfortable for some) ritual of negotiating with the seller to arrive at the final price of the home. You may decide to offer the same amount as the seller is asking for the purchase of the home or you may wish to negotiate a lower price. When do you stand the best chance of getting a lower price than what your seller is asking? There are several different aspects to this-much depends on the nature of the housing market, how eager or stubborn the seller might be, whether the seller is willing to make other concessions if the price is firm, etc. What does all | more...

Is your credit ready for an FHA loan?

On Buying A Home With An FHA Mortgage

 An FHA mortgage is not limited to those who are house hunting for the first time. FHA mortgages (and refinance loans) are open to all who financially qualify with FICO scores and other financial considerations. FHA mortgages are not restricted to first-time home buyers. FHA Loans: Backed By The Federal Government There are several government home loan programs; VA home loans, USDA mortgages for rural areas, plus FHA mortgages. FHA loans are government-backed to help borrowers buy affordable homes with a lower down payment requirement than conventional mortgages. Search the Internet and you’ll find (best-execution) mortgage loan interest rates all over the internet for FHA, VA, and conventional loans. In general government backed loans have a lower best execution rate and while interest rates fluctuate daily, FHA mortgages traditionally offer | more...

What Credit Score Is Needed For An FHA Mortgage?

How FHA Home Loan Appraisals Differ From Home Inspections

If you are serious about buying a particular home with an FHA mortgage loan, one of the big steps in the process heading toward loan approval is the FHA appraisal. The appraisal process and the home inspection are not the same thing, do not address the same concerns, and are intended for different users. What are these differences and why should you as the house hunter care about them? FHA Appraisals Are A Lender’s Tool The home that is appraised by an FHA fee appraiser does so in service of the lender, not the borrower. The lender is interested in knowing that the home meets minimum FHA standards and applicable building codes. The lender is also interested in setting a fair market value for the home; that is done by | more...