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Articles in Category: Condominium Mortgage

FHA Home Loans

Buying A Condo Unit With An FHA Loan

The FHA Single-Family Home Loan program offers condominium loans in addition to its other single-family home loan options. This surprises a small number of house hunters who wrongly assume that FHA home loans are need-based loans or that condo units don’t qualify for an FHA mortgage. They do. But there are some important things to know about the FHA Condominium Loan option–the first is that since 2019, there have been different rules about how condo loans are processed. Once upon a time you could not get an FHA condo loan if the condominium project was not on or added to the list of FHA-approved projects. Now, you may be allowed to buy a condo unit in a project that is NOT on the FHA’s list provided that the condo unit | more...

FHA Home Loan

Buying A Condo With An FHA Mortgage

Are you interested in buying a condo unit with an FHA home loan? It’s an option some borrowers don’t realize they have–some make assumptions about the FHA home loan program and the availability of loans for condo units. But the fact is that an FHA mortgage can be used to purchase a condo the same as any suburban home though there are some considerations to remember when making this type of purchase.   FHA condo loans feature the same basic qualifying terms as other FHA mortgages for mobile homes, suburban homes, etc. This type of FHA mortgage is, like all other FHA mortgages, open to first-time buyers AND those who have owned a home before (even in the last three years).  You will be approved for the FHA condo loan based | more...


FHA Condo Loan Basics You Should Know

Some borrowers are surprised that you can choose an FHA condo loan; some view condo units as more of a luxury-type housing option or somehow otherwise out of their price range. But FHA home loans include a condo loan option and the FHA official site explains how it works; “Section 203 (b) of the National Housing Act provides authority to insure any mortgage covering a one-family unit in a project coupled with an undivided interest in the common areas and facilities which serve the project.” FHA home loans can be approved for condo units for up to 30-year terms (purchase or refinance) for units in an FHA-approved condominium project OR, as FHA.gov describes, “in a project that is not FHA-approved but meets the Single-Unit Approval requirements”. How does a condo | more...


Apply For An FHA Loan

If you are considering any type of home loan, be sure to explore your options with FHA mortgages, refinancing, or reverse mortgages. FHA loans offer a variety of advantages over conventional mortgages including lower interest rates (based on your financial qualifications), built-in protections for the buyer, and more. FHA New Purchase Loans There are many options with an FHA mortgage for single-family homes. New purchase loans include the option to add extra funds to the loan for energy-efficient upgrades or improvements. You can also consider purchasing a fixer-upper using an FHA rehab loan where funds are made available to repair/upgrade the property to FHA minimum standards. The loans mentioned above are intended for owner-occupied residences and would be not be available for investment properties. An FHA new purchase loan or | more...


FHA Condo Loan Rule Changes

The FHA and HUD announced changes to FHA condo loan approval policy in August of 2019, opening the program up to condo loans in condominium projects that have not been added to the FHA approved list. A Final Rule detailing the program changes was published, but in the interim between revising the FHA Single-Family Home Loan program handbook, HUD 4000.1, the FHA and HUD have published rules to manage the new rules. According to an FHA mortgagee letter published on the FHA official site, “FHA systems will be enhanced in the future to permit the issuance of case numbers in unapproved projects” basically from the time the final rule became effective (mid-August 2019) until the FHA and HUD rules and systems are fully updated with the new changes. What is | more...

The New FHA Condo Rules

The New FHA Condo Rules

The Department of Housing and Urban Development official site announced new FHA condo loan rules in August 2019 that make it easier to purchase a condo unit, especially for condo projects not added to the FHA approved list. October 15, 2019 is the start date for the new rules that allow FHA loan approval for mortgages to buy condo units in projects that are not on the FHA approved list. Not all condo units are eligible for this consideration, and the FHA and HUD have issued a list of “single unit approval” requirements that include the following as described on the HUD official site: The individual condominium unit must be located in a completed project that is not FHA-approved; Condo projects that have 10 or more units are limited to | more...

Home Loans

What You Need To Know About FHA Condo Loans

Buying a condo with an FHA mortgage loan is an option many borrowers might be interested in but sometimes assumptions about the FHA home loan program might cloud the issue. Here are some things you should know about FHA mortgages for condo purchases. FHA Condo Loans For First-Time Home Buyers FHA condo loans are open to first-time buyers and experienced home owners alike. You will be approved for the FHA condo loan based on your financial qualifications rather than whether or not you have owned property before. FHA Condo Loans Have Certain Advantages The down payment requirements for FHA home loans do not change based on the type of property you purchase, so you are still required to financially qualify but your down payment requirement does not get adjusted because | more...

FHA Home Loan

Should I Buy A Condo With An FHA Home Loan?

Should a first-time home buyer consider purchasing a condo unit? Depending on your wants and needs, the answer may vary. Condos are unique compared to suburban homes because they are a communal property with shared responsibilities (which may be mostly financial) for upkeep of the common areas, the roof, balconies, etc. You may have special features on the property such as a gym, sauna, whirlpool, etc. depending on the property. FHA Condo loans require the condo project to be on or added to the FHA approved list-that’s unlike other types of property which must simply pass the FHA appraisal process. Condos will be appraised, too, but they must first be on the FHA roster. You can work with your FHA loan officer to add a condo project to that list | more...

FHA loans

FHA Home Loans: Should I Buy A House Or A Condo?

One of the big choices facing some FHA home loan applicants is whether to concentrate on buying a suburban-type home or a condo unit. FHA home loans for condo unit purchases are definitely available from participating lenders willing to offer them; what are the differences between an FHA home loan for a condo or other types of properties? FHA Condo Loan Rules: The FHA Approved Condo Projects List FHA loan rules in HUD 4000.1 require all condo units secured by an FHA mortgage to be on or added to an FHA approved condo project list. Your lender can help work with you on a condo project to get it added to the list, assuming the project meets FHA loan requirements. If you want to search for an already-approved condo project | more...

FHA home loans

FHA Home Loans For Houses, Condos, And Townhouses Part Two

In our last blog post we began examining FHA loan rules and how they differ whether you are buying a suburban house, a condo unit or townhouse, etc. When you buy a typical suburban home, the credit check/appraisal/downpayment issues are the same as for condo units and townhouses. But when you buy a home such as a condo or townhouse, you’re required to pay more attention to common areas and agree to your share of the maintenance/upkeep of the property in general. FHA loan rules recognize these issues and addresses some (not all) of them in the FHA loan handbook to avoid confusion about what the borrower is required to do and cases where FHA loans are not allowed because of restrictions on the borrower’s ability to sell the home. | more...