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Articles Published in: July 2019

FHA loans

Happy 4th of July 2019!

Today we pause from our regular posts on FHA home loans, FHA refinance loans, and FHA Reverse Mortgages to observe the 4th of July Independence Day holiday. Thank you very much for reading, have a safe holiday and we will resume our regular posting schedule on July 5th. Thank you for reading and have a safe holiday.

credit reports

FHA Home Loan Credit Issues: Collection Agencies

Many borrowers want to know if they are still eligible for a home loan even if they have debts that were referred to a collection agency. Can a borrower still get an FHA mortgage if they have collection accounts listed on their credit report? The FHA rules governing this issue can be found in HUD 4000.1, which begins with the FHA definition of “Collection Accounts”: “A Collection Account is a Borrower’s loan or debt that has been submitted to a collection agency through a creditor. “ When the lender finds collection information listed on the credit report, it is not necessarily an automatic denial of the loan waiting to happen. FHA loan rules require the lender to review the information to make sure the borrower wasn’t simply disregarding the debt | more...

FHA loans

Preparing For An FHA Mortgage? What You Need To Know About “Contingent Liabilities”

If you are preparing for a home loan and want to buy a primary residence with an FHA mortgage, you should know what the FHA loan rules are for “contingent liabilities” which involve the borrower. A contingent liability is a financial obligation that the FHA loan applicant has co-signed for in the past or is otherwise potentially responsible for should the main borrower default on the financial obligation. The FHA loan handbook defines contingent liabilities specifically as follows: “A Contingent Liability refers to a liability that may result in the obligation to repay only when a specific event occurs. For example, a contingent liability exists when an individual can be held responsible for the repayment of a debt if another legally obligated party defaults on the payment. Contingent liabilities may | more...

FHA Mortgage Loan

FHA Home Loan Questions: Appraisals

Do you have questions about the FHA appraisal process? Many do and it’s no surprise why-the appraisal is the process that determines whether the home you want to buy meets minimum FHA standards or not. Here are some common appraisal questions and answers you should know before you get to that part of the home loan process. Whether you are a first-time home buyer applying for your first FHA mortgage or an experienced house hunter returning to the FHA loan program to buy a new primary residence, these questions are important. Who Is Responsible For Ordering The FHA Appraisal? The lender. The borrower does not initiate the appraisal process or select the appraiser. Who Pays For The Appraisal? The borrower is responsible for paying the cost of the FHA appraisal | more...