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Articles Tagged With: ARM (Adjustable Rate Mortgage)

FHA Loans And Natural Disasters: What You Should Know

FHA Appraisal Rules: When Corrections Are Required

The FHA appraisal process is a typical part of purchasing a home. The appraisal establishes the fair market value of the property and also insures the home meets minimum FHA loan standards. These standards are know as MPS and MPRs-Minimum Property Standards and Minimum Property Requirements, respectively. While the FHA appraisal is not designed to catch any/all problems with a home, it is a tool for the lender to use to determine whether the property is acceptable or not. Whether you’re applying for a fixed rate mortgage or adjustable rate loan, purchasing a condo, town home, or manufactured home, each transaction is subject to the FHA appraisal process. What happens if the appraiser reviews the property only to find issues that do not meet FHA minimum standards? The answer is | more...


FHA Refinance Loans For Lower Interest Rate Or Fixed Rates

FHA refinance loans are an option for borrowers with existing FHA mortgages. But there are also options for non-FHA borrowers to refinance into FHA loans and get the benefits of having a lower interest rate or other options that come with FHA mortgages. Refinancing a home loan can have a variety of benefits depending on the financial needs and goals of the home owner. There are many reasons to refinance including the desire to get into a lower interest rate, to get out of an adjustable rate mortgage, and sometimes even to fund repairs and upgrades to the property. What does it mean to refinance a home loan? The answer depends on the type of transaction you need and the reasons you wish to refinance. For those who are looking | more...

Will FHA Loans Let Me Rent Out My Home?

Refinancing Your FHA Mortgage

There are many reasons why people refinance a home loan. Some do it to lower their interest rates, others may wish to cash in on the equity built up in the home over time. Still others might want to do upgrades or repairs to the home but don’t want to pay all the costs out-of-pocket. The reasons you refinance may vary, and for that reason there are a variety of choices when it comes time to consider an FHA refinance loan. Lower Interest Rates The FHA streamline refinance option lets borrowers apply for a loan using their original loan application data. There is no FHA requirement for a new credit check or appraisal. (Your lender may require one or both.) FHA streamline refinance loans must result in a tangible benefit | more...


FHA Refinancing: Your Options

There are many reasons to consider an FHA refinancing loan. Some borrowers want to refinance out of an adjustable rate mortgage, others want to refinance out of a more expensive conventional mortgage, while others still want to take out some of the cash value in their home. Do you know what your FHA refinancing loan options are? According to HUD 4000.1, the rule book for all FHA single-family mortgages, there are a variety of options: 1. No cash-out refinances of FHA-insured and non FHA-insured Mortgages. This type of FHA refinancing is meant to pay off existing liens. These include: Rate and Term refinance, Simple Refinance, and Streamline Refinance. 2. Cash-out refinances. 3. Refinances of non FHA-insured Mortgages are available for qualified Borrowers in negative equity positions (Short Refi). 4. Refinances | more...

Who can apply for an FHA mortgage?

FHA Mortgages: Loan Basics For 2017

For those who are weighing their real estate options in 2017, an FHA home loan can be an important option. Compare the down payment and interest rates on FHA mortgages with their conventional counterparts and it’s easy to see why many borrowers opt for an FHA mortgage. FHA loans, like most mortgage loan programs (with the exception of VA home loans, which are in general available only to qualifying military members), require a down payment which is usually 3.5% of the adjusted value of the property. Your down payment is required above and beyond other closing costs, mortgage insurance, etc. and must come from approved sources such as savings/checking accounts, the proceeds from cashed-in investments, cash saved at home, etc. Your down payment cannot come from payday loans, credit card | more...

How much can I borrow with an FHA refinance loan?

FHA Mortgages: Five Simple Things To Know

If you are considering an FHA home loan, there are a few simple basics to keep in mind about your loan application that will help you in both the planning stages and the application stage of the loan. Did you know? 1. FHA mortgages require a down payment, but that down payment is lower than many conventional mortgages. FHA home loans require a down payment of 3.5%, but you may encounter conventional mortgage loan requirements as high as 20%. This is an important factor when trying to plan a budget for your new monthly mortgage payment. FHA mortgages have down payments calculated as a percentage of the adjusted price of the home. 2. FHA mortgages require an appraisal to calculate the fair market value of the property and to insure | more...


FHA Refinance Loans and HECM Reverse Mortgages

There are two types of FHA loans borrowers should know about when considering their refinance loan options. One is a traditional cash-out or no cash out refinance loan, the other is a reverse mortgage also known as an FHA HECM loan. HECM stands for Home Equity Conversion Mortgage. The standard refinance loan and FHA HECM options are very different and serve different needs, but depending on the borrower it may be good to be familiar with both. Typical FHA refinance loans involve situations where the borrower typically has an existing mortgage and applies for a new loan that pays off the original mortgage, creating a brand new monthly payment, loan term, etc. Depending on the terms of the loan cash back may or may not happen, but for cash-out refinancing | more...


FHA Loan Options: What You Should Know

Are you thinking about purchasing a home? Or refinancing your current home loan? FHA mortgage loans and refinance loans offer a variety of options. For new purchases, an FHA mortgage loan allows qualified borrowers to purchase typical suburban homes, but also condo units, town homes, and manufactured homes. Any property that has a permanent foundation or will be affixed to a permanent foundation at closing time may be eligible for an FHA mortgage. (All homes considered for purchase with an FHA loan are subject to an appraisal and must meet basic FHA standards.) Heading 2 For new purchase loans, borrowers can choose a fixed interest rate mortgage or an adjustable rate loan. Borrowers who choose adjustable rate mortgages will be offered an introductory rate, and overall your FICO scores and | more...

Who can apply for an FHA mortgage?

FHA Loan Basics You Should Know

If you are thinking about buying a home and are weighing your options for an FHA home loan, there are some basics you should know about FHA mortgages that can help you better prepare for an FHA loan application. FHA home loans are for all financially qualified applicants; there are no income minimums OR maximums. Borrowers should know that FHA mortgages are designed to help borrowers at all income levels find an affordable home. Your debt to income ratio (the amount of money coming in each month compared to your monthly expenses and financial obligations) is an important factor in loan approval, but you will not be disqualified because of an income threshold based on your annual income or monthly income alone. FHA mortgages allow you to purchase a home | more...


FHA Loan Rules: Special Forbearance For Unemployed Home Owners

When a borrower applies for an FHA mortgage, experiencing financial trouble isn’t top-of-mind; qualifying for the loan, making the down payment, and moving in are likely the big issues most think about when applying. But financial difficulties can and sometimes do come, so what can a borrower do if he or she finds themselves unemployed after purchasing a home with an FHA mortgage? FHA loan rules in HUD 4000.1 do permit the lender to offer something known as “special forbearance” or SFB for unemployed borrowers who are in danger of missing payments, going into loan default, etc. “The SFB-Unemployment Agreement is a written agreement between a Mortgagee and the Borrowers, one or more of whom has become unemployed, allowing for reduced and/or suspended Mortgage Payments.” This is an arrangement negotiated | more...