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Articles Tagged With: Credit Issues

Buying A Home with an FHA Loan

FHA Loans: The Credit Check

FHA loan rules in HUD 4000.1 give instructions to the lender on how to establish an FHA borrower’s creditworthiness. FHA loan rules tend to be more flexible on credit issues than their conventional equivalents, but borrowers are still required to financially qualify. Are you looking for a condo loan, a mobile home loan? There’s an FHA loan for that. Do you want to build a house on your own land with an FHA construction loan? Some don’t realize the credit requirements in the FHA Lender’s Handbook are identical. For construction loans, borrowers should expect slightly higher credit requirements from the lender. But on paper, FHA loan rules make no distinction between different loan types and the minimum FICO score needed to qualify for maximum financing. One area that is also | more...

Home Loans

Bad Credit Home Loans

You’ll find a lot of information on the internet about bad credit home loans. Lists of bad credit-friendly lenders abound, but what do you need to know about these home loans and their alternatives? The first thing to remember is that bad credit is a potential barrier to new credit for a reason–your lender is required to justify the loan and make sure you are a good credit risk. And if your credit scores and credit history show that you haven’t been as reliable about making on-time payments and meeting your credit obligations? Your lender has two options. One is to deny you the loan. This is what usually happens in cases where the lender cannot justify approving your loan due to credit issues. Each lender has their own standards | more...

FHA Mortgage Loan

When You Apply For Your Mortgage Loan

When you apply for a home loan, whether it’s an FHA mortgage, conventional loan, or any other type of “forward mortgage” used to purchase, your lender is required to check your employment, income, and credit information to make sure you are a good credit risk. Some borrowers assume the lender is only interested in FICO scores–the numbers assigned to you based on your credit patterns, repayment history, and other variables. But that is NOT true–the score is important, yes. But it’s not the only factor that goes into loan approval decisions. And it’s key to understand the factors that go into determining your credit score as those factors are of interest to your lender. TransUnion, one of the “big three” credit reporting agencies, advises consumers that credit scores are determined | more...

FHA loans

HUD Announces New Deadlines For Coronavirus Foreclosure Avoidance Options

Since the global coronavirus pandemic began affecting the United States economy, HUD has made a variety of policy changes and loss mitigation measures available to borrower struggling to make mortgage payments on FHA mortgages, refinance loans, and even reverse mortgages. In April, 2020, HUD published Mortgagee Letter 2020-06. That letter announced measures including COVID-19 related loan forbearance, plus “Standalone Partial Claims”, plus an extension of the deadline for FHA Reverse Mortgages (also known as FHA Home Equity Conversion Mortgages or HECM) for those affected by the pandemic. A few months later, HUD also announced loan forbearance options for those who needed it beyond the initial forbearance period. And now, the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Federal Housing Administration have announced that the agencies recognize a need, “…to | more...

FHA Loans

Planning A Home Loan? Beware Holiday Credit Card Use

A borrower’s debt-to-income ratio is an important part of the financial qualifications your lender will look at when trying to decide to approve or deny your mortgage loan application. Some future borrowers don’t help themselves out in this regard during holiday time and as we approach November and December, those in the planning stages of their mortgage loan journey should beware of opening new credit or increasing credit card use on existing accounts. Why? Credit Card Use Spikes At Holiday Time Traditionally, American consumers tend to increase credit use during the holiday season and it never pays to ignore this factor–take your potential holiday spending into account when planning for a new mortgage loan. In some cases the amount of the credit card debt isn’t the problematic factor–timely payments is | more...

Getting Ready For Your Home Loan

Getting Ready For Your Home Loan

Are you considering your home loan options? FHA mortgage loans have more flexible credit requirements more consumer-friendly loan options, but even with more lenient credit guidelines (compared to some conventional mortgages) there are a number of areas to consider in the preparation stages of your loan. Some are already ahead of the curve when it comes to getting financially ready for a major loan application, others are really starting from ground zero. Do you know how ready you are to fill out that mortgage loan application? Having Enough Preparation Time Is Important It does cost money to buy a home–there are plenty of up-front costs including appraisals and the home inspection, etc. Financial experts advise taking at least a full year to save, budget, and even to research the new | more...

FHA mortgages and refinance loans

Buying A Home With An FHA Loan: What’s Allowed, What’s Not

FHA mortgages are great for borrowers who want a lower down payment, no early repayment penalties, and more flexible home loan approval guidelines than some conventional counterparts. But the tradeoff comes where certain kinds of property and other loan details are concerned. If you want a home as opposed to an investment, an FHA mortgage is right for you. That includes those who want to build a home from the ground up instead of buying someone else’s property. Whether you want a traditional suburban home, a mobile home, a condominium, or even a duplex or multi-family unit, there’s an FHA mortgage for those purposes. But what about those who want to buy a house they can rent out to others, or those who want a mixed-use property that can handle | more...


Househunters, Do You Need Credit Advice?

Are you a house hunter worried about your credit ahead of your loan application? It doesn’t matter if you want to buy a mobile home, a condo, or even build a house on your own lot with a construction loan, you’ll need to examine your credit closely long before you apply for your mortgage. Many borrowers are afraid to look at their credit report, or they don’t know how to access one. Fortunately, you can get help accessing and reviewing your credit with professional credit monitoring, and there are some things you can do on your own to improve your credit ahead of your loan application. Start As Early As You Can Working on your credit, no matter what state it may be in, takes time. If you find issues | more...

the importance of credit for home loan approval

The Importance Of Your Credit For Home Loan Approval

Why is credit monitoring, credit repair, and credit utilization so important for the purposes of getting a home loan approved? This is a serious question all borrowers should ask ahead of their loan application. It’s just as important to know the hows and whys of addressing your credit scores and history–and the question should be addressed long before applying for a major line of credit like a construction loan to build on your own land, or the purchase of a condo or suburban home. A participating FHA lender is required to make each loan applicant can realistically afford the home loan. For loan approval, your credit history must have patterns that indicate that you will pay on time and generally behave like a good credit risk. Approving a home loan | more...

First time home buyer FHA loan

First-Time Home Buyer? FHA Loan Basics You Should Know

2020 has brought incredible low mortgage rates, surging refinance loan applications, and sustained buying and selling homes; all this in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. Historically low mortgage loan interest rates mean greater interest in loans and the savings current rates could provide. If you are just getting started on the road to homeownership, there are some FHA home loan basics to know as you research your mortgage options. Different Homes, Different Loans One myth of the home loan market is that there is a generic loan for any type of property you want to buy. That’s not true–there are different loans for different purposes. For example, if you want a low-down-payment loan to help you build a house on your own land, the FHA One-Time Close construction loan | more...