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Articles Tagged With: Credit Requirements

Who can apply for FHA Reverse Mortgages?

Who Can Apply For FHA Reverse Mortgages?

Who can apply for an FHA reverse mortgage? Borrowing money to take advantage of the value in the home is not a new concept, but the reverse mortgage is a type of loan that’s quite different than a standard FHA refi loan. What Is The FHA Reverse Mortgage? A reverse mortgage is a loan that obligates the borrower without requiring monthly mortgage payments. FHA reverse mortgages, also known as Home Equity Conversion Mortgages or HECMs for short, offer the borrower cash or a line of credit in an amount agreed upon between the borrower and lender. That amount is determined in part by the value of the home, so FHA HECM loans will require a new appraisal to see what the current fair market value of the property might be. | more...

FHA loans

FHA Loan Rules: Late Or Missed Housing Payments

Many readers contact us asking about the FHA loan rules for late or missed housing payments. These questions aren’t usually along the lines of “what happens if I am late making my FHA mortgage loan payment”, but rather how a participating FHA lender will view late or missed housing payments when it comes time to approve or deny the mortgage loan application. FHA loan rules governing the lender’s loan approval process are found in the FHA Single Family Loan Handbook, HUD 4000.1. These instructions to the lender aren’t the only rules that may affect your transaction; lender standards and state/federal laws will also apply. But the basic guidelines for the FHA home loan approval process give the lender specific instructions for FHA loan minimum requirements, and that will be the | more...

FHA refinance

FHA-To-FHA Refinance Loan Rules

Do you know the loan rules for FHA-to-FHA refinance loans? There are many reasons why a borrower with an existing FHA mortgage could need or want to refinance. Some are interested in taking a portion of their home’ s equity in cash, others want lower monthly payments. Let’s examine the rules of FHA-to-FHA refinance transactions. How the FHA Defines Refinancing The rules governing FHA-to-FHA refinancing are found in a section of HUD 4000.1, the FHA loan handbook. It defines FHA refinance loans as follows: “A Refinance Transaction is used to pay off the existing debt or to withdraw equity from the Property with the proceeds of a new Mortgage for a Borrower with legal title to the subject Property.” There are a variety of FHA loan options when you are | more...

FHA Loan Approval: Credit Check Facts

What Credit Score Do I Need To Get A Home Loan?

What credit score do I need to get a home loan? That is a question many FHA loan applicants ask, and the answer involves both FHA loan rules in HUD 4000.1 (the FHA loan handbook) and lender requirements. What You Should Know About FHA Loan Standards FHA loan rules for credit and FICO scores are minimum requirements, but your participating FHA lender may have additional requirements. Always remember that FHA loan rules provide the baseline requirements, but the lender may have higher FICO score and credit history standards. What we’re discussing here are the FHA rules, lender requirements will vary. The FHA “Minimum Decision Credit Score” (MDCS) HUD 4000.1 defines the FHA MDCS as follows: “The Minimum Decision Credit Score (MDCS) refers to the credit score reported on the Borrower’s | more...


FHA Refinance Loan Options

Are you considering your FHA refinance loan options in 2018? There are several different options to choose from depending on your financial needs and goals. What do you want to do with an FHA refinance loan? Lower Your Monthly Mortgage Payments There are FHA refinance loan options that can help lower your interest rate or monthly payments, depending on circumstances. Some borrowers with non-FHA loans want to refinance into an FHA mortgage because of potentially lower interest rates. This is often done with an FHA no-cash out refinance loan option. Whether you will get lower monthly payments on an FHA no-cash out loan depends on several factors including your credit scores, the current amount you are paying on a home loan, and whether you choose to finance certain expenses associated | more...

FHA Loan

FHA Loan Questions: Credit, Bank Statements, and Overdrafts

Here is a variation on a common question about FHA home loan requirements: “How many months of bank statements are required to show the underwriters in relevance to the month we are closing on the house? Also if there are NSF/overdrafts on our account three to six months prior to our closing month, will that hurt our chances of getting the loan?” To answer these questions properly we need to do some detective work in the FHA loan rule book. Let’s start with the age of the documents needed for a home loan. The rules that govern FHA home loans says all documents must be, in general, no older than 120 days. The lender’s standards may apply in such cases-will the lender require more bank statements in order to review | more...

FHA Home Loans

Do FHA Loan Requirements Change Each Year?

Do FHA loan requirements change each year? This area can be a bit confusing because some aspects of the FHA loan program have changed in recent years, and some things are updated on a yearly basis. But the basic structure of the FHA loan program including FICO score minimums, appraisal rules, and occupancy requirements? These do not change from year to year. Do FHA Loan Rules Are In HUD 4000.1 Change Annually? HUD 4000.1 is the FHA Single Family Home Loan Handbook. It contains all the basic rules and requirements for FHA home loans. It lists the FICO score requirements, loan repayment history rules, debt-to-income ratio guidelines and other issues that affect FHA loan approval. These requirements do not change from year to year, but are subject to revision based | more...

FHA Mortgage Loans: Do Interest Rates Matter?

Do I Have To Pay Off Collection Accounts To Qualify For An FHA Home Loan?

Do I have to pay off collection accounts to qualify for an FHA home loan? That’s a question on the mind of anyone who has a collection agency action in their credit history. What does the FHA have to say about this issue? On the FHA official site, there is a Frequently Asked Questions section that directly addresses this potential problem for loan applicants nervous about issues in their credit report. It begins with a definition of the phrase “collection account”: “A Collection Account refers to a Borrower’s loan or debt that has been submitted to a collection agency by a creditor.” FHA loan rules address collection accounts in the amount of $2000 or more: “If the credit reports used in the analysis show cumulative outstanding collection account balances of | more...

Conventional Loan Interest Rates Make History, FHA Loan Rates Still Incredibly Low

Credit Score Issues and FHA Loans

Do you know how credit score issues affect your FHA home loan application? For most borrowers, there’s no such thing as a new purchase loan with no credit check; The FHA loan handbook (HUD 4000.1) instructs the lender that credit score checks for FHA mortgage loan applications are mandatory except in certain instances such as for FHA Streamline Refinance loans, and other transactions as described on page 158: “The Mortgagee must review the credit report to determine the Borrower’s Minimum Decision Credit Score (MDCS), except for Mortgages to be insured under Section 247, Section 248, Streamline Refinances, and Assumptions. The MDCS will be used to determine the maximum insured financing available to a Borrower with traditional credit.” HUD 4000.1 adds that FHA loan applicants who have non-traditional or insufficient credit | more...


How Does My Credit Score Affect My FHA Mortgage Loan?

How does my credit score affect my FHA mortgage loan? There are several areas where FICO scores may affect how much a borrower pays including interest rates, down payment issues, and more. FHA Loan Credit Score Rules: Two Standards There are two basic sets of rules and requirements governing borrower credit scores. One set of rules is found in HUD 4000.1, and gives the FHA Single Family Home Loan program minimum requirements for credit scores and how they affect a borrower’s down payment requirements. The other set of rules and regulations are those of the individual participating lender. Your chosen lender may have higher standards than FHA minimums, and this is permitted by law as long as those higher standards conform to Fair Housing Act policies and other federal regulations. | more...