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Articles Tagged With: Debt-to-Income Ratio

Buying a House

FHA Loan Debt-To-Income Ratios Part Two

What is the debt-to- income ratio (DTI) for an FHA loan? We answered that question in a previous blog post, discussing the FHA loan rules for loan approval where loan affordability is concerned. In general, FICO scores and debt ratios are reviewed together. You may have a debt ratio that comes close to or exceeds the general standard for these limits, but compensating factors may apply to help the lender justify approving your home loan. What are these factors? FHA Loan Compensating Factors For Higher Debt-To-Income Ratios FICO scores play an important part in determining who must have compensating factors for a high DTI. As the FHA loan handbook states, borrowers who meet the FHA loan FICO score requirement for maximum financing (580 or above) can have a debt to | more...

FHA mortgage loans

What Is The Debt-To-Income Ratio For An FHA Loan?

What is the debt-to- income ratio for an FHA loan? Simply put, it’s the amount of income you have compared to the amount of money you must pay each month on your financial obligations. The debt-to-income ratio (DTI) is an important part of the lender’s calculations that determine whether or not you will be approved for the mortgage loan. Debt-To-Income Ratio Calculations For FHA Loans There are two kinds of debt-to-income ratio calculations. One is made with the borrower’s current income and debts, the other is made with those factors plus the amount of the projected monthly mortgage payment. If you aren’t sure whether you can afford a mortgage loan or not, the second ration will tell you what percentage of your pay will be taken up by your monthly | more...

FHA loans

What Should I Know About FHA Loan Employment And Income Verification?

What should I know about FHA loan employment and income verification? For starters, it is easy to believe that the income and employment verification processes are the same thing-they aren’t. Borrowers should know that the lender will examine both employment history and income history. Depending on circumstances, that data could help a borrower get closer to loan approval. FHA Loan Rules Require Verification Of Both Income And Employment The lender must verify the basic facts of your employment including how long you have worked with the company, the nature of your pay, whether you have had any promotions or raises, etc. The basic rule for employment verification is that the lender must document two years of your most recent job history, or have documentation of your equivalent time spent in | more...

FHA loans

Are There Any Income Documentation Rules For FHA Loans?

Are there any income documentation rules for FHA loans? That is what some borrowers want to know when they are ready to fill out a mortgage loan application. What does your FHA lender need to know about your income and employment? The FHA Lender Is Required To Document Your Employment And Income In the FHA loan handbook, HUD 4000.1, your FHA loan officer is instructed to document two years of employment, though that two years is not necessarily required to be with the same company or in the same job position. The lender wants to know your income history, whether you have gotten any raises, or whether recent job changes have resulted in a benefit to you income-wise. FHA Loan Rules Require Independent Verification Of Your Income This means that | more...

Rent Or Buy? Arguments For Purchasing A Home With An FHA Mortgage

Income Requirements For An FHA Loan Part Two

In a recent blog post we discussed income requirements for an FHA loan including basic debt-to-income (DTI) ratio issues, the fact that your income must be stable and reliable, and that you can’t earn “too much” to qualify for an FHA mortgage. One question some FHA loan applicants have at this point involves how the lender arrives at things like the debt to income calculation, how job reliability is determined, etc. How Does The Lender Calculate My Debt To Income Ratio For An FHA Home Loan? Simply put, the loan application will ask. You will have places in your application which ask about your monthly obligations, and the lender will also check your credit reports to see what active accounts you have. Some borrowers may be tempted to omit certain | more...

FHA Home Loans And First Time Home Buyers

What Are The Income Requirements For An FHA Loan?

What are the income requirements for an FHA loan? Some aren’t sure if they earn enough to qualify for an FHA mortgage, and others are worried that they might earn “too much” to qualify, mistakenly believing that FHA loans are only for people within a certain income bracket. What’s the reality? FHA Loans Are For Anyone Who Qualifies There is no minimum income requirement for an FHA mortgage, and there is no upper limit or income “ceiling”. FHA loans are not targeted for any one income bracket. It is true that FHA loans are designed with more lenient FICO score minimums in mind, but that has nothing to do with the amount of your annual income or how you earn that income. Basic FHA Loan Income Requirements There ARE FHA | more...

FHA Mortgage Loans: Do Interest Rates Matter?

Do I Have To Pay Off Collection Accounts To Qualify For An FHA Home Loan?

Do I have to pay off collection accounts to qualify for an FHA home loan? That’s a question on the mind of anyone who has a collection agency action in their credit history. What does the FHA have to say about this issue? On the FHA official site, there is a Frequently Asked Questions section that directly addresses this potential problem for loan applicants nervous about issues in their credit report. It begins with a definition of the phrase “collection account”: “A Collection Account refers to a Borrower’s loan or debt that has been submitted to a collection agency by a creditor.” FHA loan rules address collection accounts in the amount of $2000 or more: “If the credit reports used in the analysis show cumulative outstanding collection account balances of | more...

What Credit Score Is Needed For An FHA Mortgage?

FHA Loans, Income Verification, And Rental Income (Part Two)

In our last blog post, we discussed some basic FHA loan rules about using rental income to qualify for an FHA mortgage loan. Some borrowers are interested in purchasing a multi-unit property that they intend to live in as their primary residence, with the goal of renting out unused living units. FHA loan rules permit this only when the borrower lives in the property; you cannot plan to be an absentee landlord and expect FHA loan approval. In our last blog post, we wrote: “It is reasonable to expect that such a borrower would want to know if she could use projected rental income from that arrangement as ‘verifiable income’ for the purposes of loan approval. Can the borrower reasonably expect a lender to approve of income from this rental | more...

Cash out refinancing

FHA Loans, Income Verification, And Rental Income From Other Properties (Part One)

In a previous blog post, we discussed the issue of a borrower using projected rental income from the property to be purchased with an FHA mortgage. Some borrowers are interested in purchasing property that they intend to live in as their primary residence, while planning on renting out unused living units in a multi-unit property. It is reasonable to expect that such a borrower would want to know if she could use projected rental income from that arrangement as “verifiable income” for the purposes of loan approval. Can the borrower reasonably expect a lender to approve of income from this rental situation when calculating the borrower’s debt-to-income ratio? This is possible in situations that meet FHA loan approval; some scrutiny will be given to a borrower’s rental income history or | more...

Rehab Refinance Loans, Effects Of The Pandemic, And Interest Rates

Which Debts Are Evaluated For My FHA Home Loan?

Which of my debts are evaluated for an FHA home loan? Borrowers sometimes get nervous about this issue, especially if they are concerned about carrying too much debt to qualify for a home loan. FHA loan rules governing how a borrower’s debt load must be reviewed by the lender are found in HUD 4000.1. One section titled “General Liabilities and Debts” states: “The Mortgagee must determine the Borrower’s monthly liabilities by reviewing all debts listed on the credit report, Uniform Residential Loan Application (URLA), and required documentation.” The basic answer to the question may depend on whether the lender is manually underwriting the mortgage loan or using the TOTAL system to evaluate the application. TOTAL is an “automatic” underwriting tool, and when using this tool, the lender is instructed as | more...