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Articles Tagged With: FHA Home Loans

FHA loans

FHA Mortgage Loan Closing Day Tips

Need some tips to help you navigate your closing date for your FHA home loan? There are some important things to do and things NOT to do on closing day. When your sale is final the seller or the real estate agent will give you the keys to your new home, but before you can get your hands on those keys, some important things must happen. Read All Home Loan Closing Documents Carefully FHA mortgage loans, like all other home loans, feature initial estimates of expenses and payments; the final numbers should be represented accurately at closing time and should not be estimates. If the numbers you were expecting don’t line up with what is in the closing documents, don’t let it go-ask for clarification. Don’t sign incomplete mortgage closing | more...

FHA Home Loans

Cash To Close An FHA Home Loan: What You Need To Know

What kind of cash to close do borrowers need with an FHA mortgage loan? The amount and nature of the cash to close the FHA loan will vary depending on several factors including the amount of your down payment, whether you have financed the Up Front Mortgage Insurance Premium or not, etc. FHA Loans Cash To Close: Your Down Payment For new purchase home loans, FHA loans cash requirements to close the deal will include the minimum 3.5% down payment for borrowers who qualify for that lowest down payment with FICO scores that meet both FHA minimums and lender requirements. 10% down is required for borrowers with FICO scores that don’t fall into the ranges specified by FHA loan rules and lender standards. But the exact amount of cash needed | more...

FHA home loans

FHA Home Loan House Hunting Checklist

Do you want to buy a new home? An FHA home loan, with its’ low down payment requirements for qualified borrowers is definitely an option to consider. With a low 3.5% down payment for qualified borrowers AND the ability to use approved down payment assistance and/or gift funds for potentially no money out of pocket for a down payment, FHA mortgages can have a lot of appeal. The house hunting process is an important part of any loan. When you are in the planning stages for your FHA mortgage, there are some big issues to consider before you launch into your search for the perfect home. Those issues can be covered by a checklist you can make and plan with, even house hunt with; when making your house hunting checklist, | more...

FHA Home Loan

FHA Loans: What Does It Mean To Be A First-Time Home Buyer?

What does it mean to be a first-time home buyer when applying for an FHA home loan? Many borrowers want to know if there is an advantage to applying for an FHA mortgage if they have never borrower money for a home before. What is the reality? The FHA loan program itself does not give advantages to the first-time home buyer, nor does it penalize someone who has owned a home before. All financially qualified applicants are able to get an FHA loan even if they have purchased a home before. That does NOT mean first-time home buyers won’t get offered incentives from a participating FHA lender, but those incentives are offered by the lender and not via the FHA home loan program itself. Borrowers who are first-time home buyers | more...


HUD Settles Housing Discrimination Complaint Against San Francisco Real Estate Companies

There are many types of housing discrimination; some occurs when a house hunter is searching for a home, trying to rent in the local area and encountering violations of the Fair Housing Act while trying to do so. Other types of housing discrimination can occur in the house hunting process itself. Housing discrimination may come from a variety of sources; including, in the case of a recent HUD Fair Housing settlement, real estate firms. The HUD official site announced a settlement in June in the case of two San Francisco-based real estate companies accused of Fair Housing Act violations. HUD approved “a Voluntary Compliance/Conciliation Agreement settling a complaint filed by a family whose infant has a disability against San Francisco, California-based John Stewart Company and Hunters Point East West, LP.” | more...

FHA Loan

Can I Use My GI Bill Housing Allowance For An FHA Home Loan?

Military borrowers who are considering an FHA home loan may wonder if they are permitted to use their Post 9/11 GI Bill housing stipend as part of their qualifying income for an FHA mortgage. FHA loan rules found in HUD 4000.1 require the lender to verify all sources of income for the borrower; verifiable income that qualifies may be counted in the borrower’s debt-to-income ratio. This process is important because if a borrower’s debts exceed a certain ratio compared to the amount of income, it may be harder for the lender to justify approving the FHA mortgage. So it makes sense that a borrower who qualifies for Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits or Forever GI Bill benefits might want to have their housing stipend included in the income they submit | more...

Is U.S. Citizenship Required For An FHA One-Time Close Construction Loan?

Is U.S. Citizenship Required For An FHA One-Time Close Construction Loan?

Is United States citizenship required for an FHA One-Time Close / Single-Close construction loan? This issue does not affect all potential FHA borrowers, but it’s a very important one to address, especially given controversy in the news over a variety of societal concerns. Before we get to the specifics of whether or not citizenship is required for an FHA One-Time Close / Single-Close mortgage or ANY type of FHA home loan, refinance loan, or FHA reverse mortgage, it must be noted that FHA home loans are approved on the basis of a borrower’s ability to financially qualify and afford the mortgage. The borrower must be able to legally commit to binding agreements including the loan contract itself, and be of sufficient legal age in the state the transaction is to | more...

Buying a House

Why Do People Refinance Home Loans?

Why do people refinance home loans? The answers are diverse since there is more than one reason to refinance AND more than one application for an FHA refi loan. Refinancing To Get Lower Monthly Payments One powerful motivation to refinance is to get a lower mortgage payment each month. Existing FHA mortgages can be refinanced into FHA Streamline Refinancing mortgages, which feature no FHA-required new credit check or appraisal. Your lender may require a credit check and/or appraisal if lender requirements or circumstances warrant. Some Streamline Refinance loans have to include a new credit check if the borrower chooses add-ons to the loan that increase monthly payments over a certain threshold. FHA Streamline Refinance loans must generally result in a tangible benefit to the borrower including a lower payment. Non-FHA | more...

FHA Mortgage Rates and Refinance Options

One-Time Close Construction Loans For First Time Home Buyers

Are construction loans available for first-time home buyers? Some may feel daunted at the idea of having a house built for them from the ground up, but the reality is that some house hunters would rather have a home built just for them rather than buying one with a previous owner. What options are available to first time home buyers who want a construction loan? The first thing to remember is that being a first time buyer does not count against you when looking into your construction loan options. What you should be more concerned with is the nature of the loan itself. Some construction loans feature two applications and two closing dates, but One-Time Close construction loans / Single-Close construction loans offered by the VA, USDA, and FHA allow | more...

Conventional Loan Interest Rates Make History, FHA Loan Rates Still Incredibly Low

What You Need To Know About Identity Of Interest Transactions

What do you need to know about FHA loan down payment rules and identity of interest transactions? We’ve been covering this topic more recently due to some reader questions about how it all works; we’ve noticed some confusion about the rules in this area and who those rules apply to. FHA identity of interest transaction rules are specifically for borrowers who have a family or business relationship with the seller. In such cases, the general rule is that a 15% down payment is required. The confusion comes in over who this applies to. FHA Loan Rules For Down Payments When The Seller Is A Family Member Or Business Associate Because identity of interest transactions require a higher down payment, naturally borrowers want to know if there are exceptions and how | more...