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Articles Tagged With: FHA Mortgage Loan


HUD Proposes Final Rule on Sale of Delinquent FHA Mortgages

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has proposed a new rule to oversee the sale of delinquent single-family mortgage loans insured by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA). This initiative aims to increase the availability of affordable housing and enhance community stability. According to HUD.giv, this move is part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s commitment to “expanding affordable housing options,” and the proposed rule is intended to assist struggling homeowners. Assistant Secretary for Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner Julia Gordon was quoted in a HUD press release about the proposed rule. Gordon notes the proposed rule is meant to create stability. It establishes standardized regulations for future delinquent home loan sales and prioritizes neighborhood stabilization. HUD has been experimenting with selling off delinquent mortgages since 2002. The July 2024 | more...

FHA loans

Do You Need Help Understanding Your FHA Loan?

The variety of FHA home loan programs, including construction loans and reverse mortgages, can be overwhelming for many borrowers. HUD-approved housing counseling offers invaluable support to help borrowers make informed decisions about these complex programs. You can get a free referral to a HUD-approved housing counselor by calling 1-800-CALL FHA. FHA Loan Counseling: Your Path to Homeownership The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) insures mortgages, reducing lender risk and expanding access to homeownership for individuals with lower credit scores or limited down payment funds. However, understanding the nuances of certain FHA loans, such as reverse mortgages and construction loans, can be challenging.  Did you know you can call HUD to get a referral to an approved housing counselor to help you through the process? Housing counselors can help you in the | more...

FHA Mortgage Loan

FHA Appraisals: When Are They Required?

When is an FHA appraisal required? For any FHA purchase loan, you will be expected to pay for an FHA appraisal, even if it is an after-improvements approach for renovation refinance loans or similar options. We examine the other situations where an assessment may be needed below. FHA Streamline Refinance An FHA streamline refinance loan does not require an FHA appraisal. These refinance options are meant to provide a tangible benefit to the borrower through a lower monthly payment, a better interest rate, or switching to a fixed-rate loan from an adjustable-rate mortgage. Your participating lender may require an appraisal, which is permitted under FHA loan rules. However, no FHA requirements for appraisals exist for streamline refi loans in typical cases. FHA Reverse Mortgage Refinances FHA reverse mortgages, also known | more...

Mortgage Trends

Home Loan Interest Rate Trends For Summer 2024

Should house hunters dive into today’s housing market? Or is it safer to wait until rates have fallen a bit further? Yahoo! Finance published a mortgage rate report in June of 2024, and that report includes a prediction that home loan interest rates could (as stated by Fannie Mae) remain in the 6% range for the rest of 2024. That affects conventional mortgages, FHA loans, and even need-based mortgages like those offered by the USDA. According to the article, Fannie Mae “predicts 30-year fixed rates will be 6.7% at the end of 2024.” That’s better than the May forecast when Fannie Mae predicted home loan rates could hit 7% by year’s end. The Yahoo! Finance article points out that home loan interest rates are coming down, but slowly over time. | more...

Your FHA Home Loan

Using A Real Estate Agent To Buy A Home

There are many types of homes, home loans, and house hunters. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution for FHA loans. Knowing the right options for the right transaction is essential. Whether or not to use a real estate agent is another area where there is no single ideal answer to the question, Is it worth it to use an agent? Some will definitely need one, while others may be able to get the work done independently. Some House Hunters Don’t Need An Agent The borrower who buys a home in their hometown may have a good grasp of their housing market. If you have lived in an area long enough to spot an overpriced house, you might not be as keen on getting the help of an agent. But if you are | more...

FHA Home Loan

Before You Buy Your First Home

FHA home loans have a down payment requirement, the same as many other home loans. Earnest money is also an important early financial consideration. Planning and saving for both are part of the loan process, and you want to start as early as possible. Below, we examine some common issues related to both down payments and earnest money. What To Know Earnest Money And Down Payment Money Earnest money is paid at offer time. You do not pay earnest money at closing time. A down payment is made on closing day in addition to closing costs. Earnest money is paid into an escrow account. In the event that an FHA loan is canceled, the earnest money may be refunded to the borrower in the right circumstances, such as when the | more...

FHA loans

FHA Manufactured Housing Rules You Should Know

FHA announced changes to the FHA loan limit structure in early 2024. Those changes included updating FHA Title I manufactured loan limits which had not been changed in 15 years at press time. The FHA Title I Manufactured Home Loan program offers higher loan limits now, part of an effort to provide more affordable housing. “The increases better align with current market prices and are expected to encourage more lenders to offer the program to homebuyers seeking to purchase manufactured homes and the lots on which they sit” according to a press release at HUD.gov. Making Manufactured Housing More Available These changes are the first serious FHA manufactured home loan update since 2008. HUD Secretary Martha Fudge calls the move an option to alleviate an “affordable housing supply crisis” by | more...

FHA loans

FHA Appraisals: What To Remember

The FHA appraisal is one of the most important pre-closing day aspects of your home loan process.  Without an appraisal, your lender can’t know if the home meets minimum basic standards for safety, remaining economic life, and serviceability. The lender also can’t make a realistic judgment about the fair market value of the home without an appraisal. What should you know about this process and how it affects you? FHA appraisals are a tool for the lender and not a tool for the borrower. You may be privy to the results of the appraisal, but that does not mean it was designed to help you as a borrower. It is not meant to tell the borrower anything actionable, especially where the condition of the home is concerned. That is the | more...

FHA Home Loan

When You Need To Renovate Your Home

There is more than one way to improve your home in 2024 with an FHA loan. Do you want to cash out the equity you have built in the home and use some of the cash for repairs? In such cases, an FHA cash-out refinance is the right loan. But in other circumstances, a different FHA loan option may be better. How do you choose? FHA Rehab Loan Options The FHA 203(k) rehab loan helps those who want to buy or refinance a fixer-upper home or a house that needs improvements to bring it up to code. The FHA 203(k) rehab option is for any qualified borrower, and there is a disaster relief version known as the 203(h) for those who have homes in federal disaster areas. FHA 203(k) rehab | more...

Getting Ready For Your Home Loan

Home Loan Choices

Every part of the home loan process has a set of choices to make. For most house hunters this process begins with the decision to own your own home and quit renting. What other choices await you on the road to homeownership? Interest Rate Options: Conventional, FHA, Fixed, Adjustable No matter which type of home loan you choose, VA, FHA, USDA, or conventional, you’ll need to decide whether to apply for a fixed or adjustable mortgage.  The fixed-rate loan is good for those who need a predictable house payment for the full duration of the mortgage. Unless you refinance, the rate will not change. An adjustable-rate mortgage has an introductory period (typically at a lower rate) followed by periods of rate adjustments.  FHA adjustable-rate mortgages may, for some borrowers, be | more...