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Articles Tagged With: FHA Appraisals

FHA Options

Refinancing A Conventional Loan To FHA

Do you need to refinance out of an adjustable-rate conventional loan? Do you want a potentially lower mortgage rate? Do you need to take equity out of your home in cash? Refinancing from a conventional mortgage to an FHA loan can offer several advantages for borrowers with such financial needs and goals.  The advantages include the possibility of qualifying for lower interest rates than some conventional loans and getting a more predictable mortgage when refinancing out of a traditional or FHA ARM into an FHA fixed-rate loan.  You can also use an FHA cash-out refi for debt consolidation or tap into your house’s equity. Qualifying For An FHA Refinance Loan To be eligible for an FHA refinance loan, there are requirements similar to some purchase loans: Costs Associated with FHA | more...

FHA Home Loan

FHA Loans: What To Do After Closing Day

Buying your home with an FHA mortgage involves finding the right lender, making a down payment, saving for and paying closing costs, and taking the keys to your new home on closing day. However, it’s crucial to anticipate potential challenges that may arise after moving in. Did You Get A Home Inspection And An Appraisal? It’s highly recommended that you get a home inspection as a standard part of buying a house. Making the purchase contingent on the inspection and appraisal outcomes can offer protection that you won’t realize until long after closing the loan.  While an FHA mortgage safeguards against lower appraised values through an “escape clause” for situations where the house appraises lower than the asking price, adding a contingency clause for inspection issues is wise. Inspectors might | more...

Is your credit ready for an FHA loan?

FHA Home Loan Planning

If you want to buy a house with an FHA mortgage, there are some simple steps to take as soon as possible in the planning and house-hunting stages. There are also a few things to avoid, as we examine below. Budget And Save Money Early Smart borrowers build in some extra funds to cover unexpected costs toward owning a new home. You likely don’t expect the appraisal to include instructions on dealing with evidence of termites or what the FHA calls “wood-destroying pests.” Some wind up paying for or negotiating with the seller to pay for an exterminator.  This is just one example of unexpected costs you may need to pay on your way to owning your own home, and adding some extra money just in case is a smart | more...

Home Loans

What To Look For When House Hunting

If you are looking for your first home, there are areas of every house you should consider including in your mental checklist of features to look at during a real estate open house or a private viewing of a sale property. What follows is not a complete list but a great place to start when looking for potential deal-breaker problems lurking in the house you want to purchase with an FHA mortgage. The Condition Of The Walls And Ceiling Homes that have been flooded or experienced significant plumbing issues could have signs of water damage in areas like the basement, stairs, and walls throughout the house. Look for stains, patches of wall that don’t quite match the others, warped wood, poorly closed doors, etc. Staining and the smell of mold | more...

FHA loans

FHA Appraisals: What To Remember

The FHA appraisal is one of the most important pre-closing day aspects of your home loan process.  Without an appraisal, your lender can’t know if the home meets minimum basic standards for safety, remaining economic life, and serviceability. The lender also can’t make a realistic judgment about the fair market value of the home without an appraisal. What should you know about this process and how it affects you? FHA appraisals are a tool for the lender and not a tool for the borrower. You may be privy to the results of the appraisal, but that does not mean it was designed to help you as a borrower. It is not meant to tell the borrower anything actionable, especially where the condition of the home is concerned. That is the | more...

FHA Home Loan

What To Ask When Buying A Home With An FHA Loan

If you want an FHA loan to buy a home, it is always a good idea to compare lenders, real estate agents, and other service providers who serve the housing industry.  When comparing, there are important questions to ask each provider to learn more about whether they are right for you. How Long Have You Worked In This Field? The answer will vary depending on the inspector, real estate agent, or lender and when doing so but there are trade-offs to consider for newcomers to the business. A more experienced lender or real estate agent likely understands more complex issues related to your home loan and can deal with them more efficiently than a “noob.” That said, newcomers aren’t always the liability you might assume they are, especially if they | more...

Getting Ready For Your Home Loan

Before You Reach Closing Day

Once your home loan application is approved, is a borrower really home free on the way to closing day? Is the loan application a done deal once approved? Not quite, and that’s a factor some new borrowers should keep in mind at all times. Never assume the deal is done until the keys are in your hand. Why do we say this? There are important reasons which we explore below. Damage To The Property The house you want to buy with an FHA loan may be in great condition when you make an offer to the seller. But what happens if the house experiences a major disaster, fire, or even an accident? If your loan has not yet closed, you and the lender must determine whether the sale can happen.  | more...

FHA Loans

How To Avoid Confusion When Buying Your First Home

Many first-time house hunters are confused by mortgage loan industry jargon, real estate acronyms, and industry terms used incorrectly. How do you separate the facts from the fiction when learning new terms along the way to closing day? There are many issues. Calling an appraisal an “inspection” is one good example (see below.) There are also industry terms that sound familiar but don’t mean what some think they mean. The whole concept of mortgage insurance is a great example (see below). We examine some of the most common of these below. Owner-Occupied Homes Are Not Investment Properties An FHA purchase or refinance loan is meant for owner-occupiers. These are the buyers who want the FHA loan to be used for the property they intend to live in. An FHA purchase | more...

FHA Home Loan

FHA Appraisal Guidelines You Should Know

The FHA and HUD have reformed parts of the FHA single-family home loan appraisal guidelines found in HUD 4000.1. These changes are meant to improve the process for reconsidering an FHA appraisal in cases where there may be defects or violations of FHA policy. Can I Get A Revised FHA Appraisal? Was your FHA appraisal is flawed? In such cases the borrower or lender may be allowed to request a Recosideration of Value (ROV). An ROV is essentially a review of the appraisal to correct report deficiencies or problems with HUD regulatory compliance. You should not expect to be allowed a second appraisal only because the value comes in lower than anticipated. What HUD Says About ROVs The HUD official site says, “A Reconsideration of Value (ROV) refers to a | more...

Get A Home Inspection

FHA Loans and Home Inspections

The difference between an FHA appraisal and a home inspection is a serious issue. Borrowers applying for an FHA mortgage to buy a home must have an FHA appraisal to ensure that the property meets minimum standards. But when a home passes the appraisal process or allows the loan to go through as long as required corrections are made, does that mean the property has been inspected and approved by the FHA? Not according to the FHA official site, which says an appraisal is never a guarantee or endorsement of any kind. Borrowers should know that the purpose of the appraisal is to establish the home’s fair market value and ensure that the home meets the minimum standards. However, the appraisal is not intended to discover any/all issues with a | more...