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Articles Tagged With: FHA Requirements

FHA Loan Rules For Borrowers With Non-Traditional Credit

FHA loans have flexible standards regarding the kinds of credit history a borrower brings to the loan application process. By that, we mean that applicants who have non-traditional or even insufficient credit history may be able to get a loan approved depending on the circumstances. Getting a loan with insufficient credit history is harder, but borrowers can call the FHA at 1-800 CALL FHA to get a referral to a local housing counselor who can provide advice. Applying For An FHA Loan With Non-Traditional Credit Borrowers with non-traditional credit or insufficient credit history may be asked to provide additional documentation and paperwork as part of this process. You could be required to furnish tax documents, utility bills, and/or any other recurring payment that could help establish credit history. FHA loan | more...

FHA loans

FHA Loans and Your Credit

Lots of people want to know what credit issues will affect the approval of FHA loans. The shortest answer is that it’s a combination of FICO scores, your repayment habits on all financial obligations (not just credit cards or revolving debt), and the amount of debt you pay on each month versus how much income you have. But there are some hard numbers to look at, too. FHA minimum requirements for credit include FICO score requirements for maximum financing. If your FICO scores are 580 or above, you technically qualify for maximum financing, which means only a 3.5% down payment. But FHA FICO minimums are not the only FICO score requirements you’ll need to meet. Credit requirements at your chosen lender can be, and often are, higher. You may find | more...

New FHA Home Loan

How Do FHA Loan Requirements Work?

How do FHA loan requirements work? Do you know what you need to qualify for an FHA mortgage loan or FHA refinance loan? There are important details about FHA mortgage loans that can help you make an informed decision about applying for one. We’ll examine them below. FHA Loans: Lower Down Payment Requirements FHA loan down payment rules say you’ll need a minimum 3.5% down based on the appraised value of the home. You won’t be able to get a zero-down payment FHA mortgage unless you are a qualified borrower applying for an FHA 203(h) mortgage for disaster victims in a federally-declared disaster area. 3.5% down is the minimum cash investment required. Some borrowers with low FICO scores may be required to put down 10% depending on their scores, lender | more...

FHA home loan advice

Can You Buy Land With An FHA Loan?

There are several reasons why a house hunter looking for a home to purchase with a VA mortgage might want to buy a piece of land. In times when the housing market is favorably inclined towards new construction loans, some buyers might want a government insured loan for a proposed construction or new construction purchase; others might want to buy a piece of land for a manufactured home or mobile home.

Home loans

Can I Get an FHA Home Loan For a Commercial Property?

Can I get an FHA home loan for a commercial property? The answer to this question is more complicated than a simple yes or no-much depends on what local zoning laws will allow, and how “residential” the property is. FHA home loans are not just for typical suburban homes. There are a wide variety of house hunters, all looking for different types of properties to suit their needs, and there are plenty of options available aside from the suburban home. A two bedroom home in the suburbs may not be right for borrowers looking for a new home close to work in the city, or for those interested in a different type of residence than a standard house. FHA insured mortgages are available for condos, duplexes and manufactured homes. FHA | more...


Do First Time Home Buyers Have Different FHA Loan Requirements? Part Two

Do first time home buyers have different FHA loan requirements than those who have owned a home before? The short answer is no-FHA mortgages do not have different terms or requirements for different types of borrowers. First time home buyers may find that an individual lender or financial institution offers incentives for first time buyers, but these programs are not mandated or regulated by the FHA. The FHA loan FICO score minimum requirements, appraisal rules, regulations governing verification of down payment funds and other requirements are identical no matter who is applying. That is not to say that FICO scores and other financial qualifications don’t change how an FHA mortgage loan is handled-in that area borrowers will find different requirements depending on whether the borrower is deemed a good credit | more...

FHA Loans

How Does FHA Deal With A Borrower’s Financial Hardship? Part Two

How does FHA deal with a borrower’s financial hardship? That is a question we began addressing in a previous blog post, starting with an examination of the FHA attitude toward things like public assistance income, credit counseling programs, etc. In general, FHA loan rules do not allow borrowers to have public assistance income held against them as a liability, and participating in a credit counseling program is not grounds for denying an FHA mortgage loan. All income, including public assistance, must meet FHA loan standards for dependability and the likelihood of that income continuing. But just because the income is from public assistance, Social Security, etc. does not mean that income is not a valid means of financially qualifying for an FHA mortgage. Borrowers With Temporary Reductions of Income One | more...

FHA Loan

How Does FHA Deal With A Borrower’s Financial Hardship?

How does FHA deal with a borrower’s financial hardship? That is an important question, and the answers may surprise some who expect the same types of financial qualifications from FHA mortgages as from conventional loans. What is the reality? Basic FHA Loan Financial Requirements FHA loan FICO score minimums are 580 and higher for maximum financing and the lowest down payment. Lenders may have higher requirements, but the FHA minimum FICO score allows those who wouldn’t be considered for a conventional mortgage. Debt-to-income ratio requirements for FHA mortgage loans (which may vary depending on FICO scores) will vary some among lenders, too but you’ll find that your total payments must not (generally speaking) exceed 43% of your monthly income. How Does FHA Deal With Financial Hardship? Depending on the nature | more...

Credit Scores For An FHA Home Loan: When Low Credit Is Not Bad Credit

How Do FHA Loan Appraisals Work?

How do FHA loan appraisals work? This question is a vital one because some get the appraisal process confused with a home inspection and the two are not the same. The importance of an FHA appraisal in your loan process has to do with the lender getting information that helps calculate the fair market value of the home, while the home inspection gives the borrower information needed to make an informed purchase. FHA appraisals are governed by the rules in the FHA loan handbook, HUD 4000.1, which says the lender is required to, “order an appraisal from an Appraiser who is listed on the FHA Appraiser Roster and is qualified and knowledgeable in the specific market area in which the Property is located. The Mortgagee must evaluate the Appraiser’s education, | more...

FHA loans

Who Can Refinance An FHA Loan? Requirements You Should Know

Who Can Refinance An FHA Loan? We’ve been examining that question recently and according to HUD 4000.1, the FHA loan handbook, at least one borrower on the FHA refinance loan transaction must have legal title to the property. Under a section titled, “Borrower Eligibility”, we learn: “At least one Borrower on the refinancing Mortgage must hold title to the Property being refinanced prior to case number assignment.” But there is also, depending on the nature of the home to be refinanced, a requirement on the property type itself. HUD 4000.1 states: “For a transaction involving a Manufactured Home to be considered a refinance, the Manufactured Home must have been permanently erected on a site for more than twelve months prior to case number assignment.” What are some other FHA refinance | more...